Cluster of Excellence

A team of 27 Austrian philosophers won the Cluster of Excellence in March 2023! This is a new ten-year excellence program of the Austrian Science Fund FWF and the country’s most highly endowed research prize. Our research project is called „Knowledge in Crisis“. I am part of the team here and hope that I can make the importance of philosophy education better known (inter)nationally.

Website CoE: knowledgeincrisis


ORF (01.07.2024): Zukunft des Wissens: Wie Philosophie Orientierung bietet –

Die Presse (18.03.2023): Wissenskrise

Universität Salzburg:

Weitere Informationen zum Cluster of Excellence sowie zum Projekt finden Sie hier:

Excellent=austria – Spitzenforschung und Ausbildung in Österreich (